My Mum in law Enid

Created by iamjanbailey 3 years ago

I felt I had a very special relationship with Enid who I always called Mum. You hear terrible stories about people not getting on with their mother in law, well I consider myself to be one of the lucky ones because we always got on very well together.

I learnt a lot from Mum, she taught me how to wallpaper, always helped me with decorating and got me interested in embroidery. I was always delighted when she stepped in and made the children's birthday cakes when they were younger - my goodness I could never have tackled a Thundercat sword or a My Little Pony.  I always remember a family meal we had when they lived in Aylesbury and she asked me to put some caster sugar on the lemon meringue pie - unfortunately I managed to choose the wrong container and covered it in salt!

When Kelvyn and I were getting married we didn't have much money and Mum was especially thoughtful. She used to regularly surprise us by buying different items for our 'bottom drawer'. I know I still have some of those items to this day.

She always loved coming to stay with us and I enjoyed spoiling her by taking her shopping, browsing round John Lewis and going for lunch somewhere.  Often when she was staying with us we would be at work and I would usually return home to find the ironing done and all the dusting and hoovering.

I will treasure the memories of happy times we had and will never forget her kindness and generous nature.

Lots of love always Mum

Jan xxx